
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rolling to Twin Brook

I roller-skied again today from the FHS on Woodville road to Tuttle Rd, immediately accross from Twin Brook. This was made possible by two connections. The first connection is a little paved path between two neighborhood streets, one off of Woodville Rd., the other off of Rt. 9. These roads are less than 75 yards through the woods but about 4 miles by road. The second connection is a little dirt road, less than 100 yards long, from Rt. 9 to Harris Rd. in Cumberland. Remarkably, with these connections, it's almost a straigh shot from FHS to Twin Brook! I did have to walk the dirt road - no my aeros didn't roll very well on it. And the dirt road was posted, probably to keep cars from cutting through. So I don't know how much I'll use this route in the future but it was fun to explore nonetheless.

The roller skiing is definitely a good lower body workout because I'm not using poles (because of my roller-ski-elbow). And I didn't fall today! Total Distance: 8.12 miles, Total time: 1:08:05 (including time to de-ski and walk).

1 comment:

  1. Very cool!!!! The roller skiing definitely looks really interesting. I see them doing it a lot near Twin Brooks and Pineland. I can imagine I'd get some really interesting looks here in Waterboro.
