Jamie, Ian, and I had a blind-leading-the-blind run on a stunningly beautiful morning at the Lowell Preserve. Actually our 11+ mile run was only the middle of Ian's run, but I'll let him tell you about that.
The Lowell Preserve is behind the firebarn on Falmouth/Babbidge road in Windham. Part of the Falmouth/Windham snowmobile network scoots through there but the Windham Parks & Recs has been improving many of these and adding single track. Its a crazy crazy network that will be fun to get to know. Most of the snowmobile trails are very rocky. Not loose rock but big buried boulders. The single track has great geometry, not super tortuous like Bradbury, but fun, freeform, flow. In the map above, our run is the navy blue track. Somewhere just north of the network is Atherton Hill, a local 500+ foot hill with a network of old snowmobile trails that I've not explored. The red diamond is a parcel that the Town of Falmouth just purchased. The western border of this parcel is the Lowell Preserve border, so Falmouth will hopefully work with Windham to extend the single track toward and into the red diamond. We ran part of the snowmobile trail east toward Blackstrap Rd. After crossing the road, this trail goes downhill to Blackstrap Hill/Wilshore Preserve. So yes, you can run from these trails to pretty much anywhere, including all the way to the Presumpscot River Trail. We're going to do this in early November after a key bridge is built!
Looks like fun, can't wait to get out on the trails again in a few weeks.