
Sunday, October 3, 2010

If only I had run a 20 miler...

I'd have broken 3 : )


  1. It's all about the long run :-)
    Nicely done.

  2. I presume this post is the first in a series of the 1 million things you could have done differently to shave 36 seconds off your time.

  3. If only I 70+ faster long runs...followed Pete Pfitzinger's schedule...not run the Bruiser...used a 3 week taper...done more 3X3 at MP-10s...

    I did consider this but quickly rejected it.

    Steve - good luck in two weeks. I now have infinite respect for anyone who can maintain pace over the last 4-6 miles.

  4. Jeff, you ran a 3:00:35 marathon! In your first road marathon! That is AWESOME! Yes, it is not quite under 3 hours, but it is truly amazing! And I think we are all impressed :-) I hope you are too, despite the could have/would have/should haves that are no doubt going through your mind today.

  5. sparky: my original post and comment are meant as a joke - of course I'm super happy with my time and am really not giving my training a second thought. Weird huh? The joke is because a number of us (Jamie, Jim, Ryan, Ian, others) had several fund discussions on the value of a 20+ miler for marathon training and Jamie said that if I didn't break three he would definitely blame it on my lack of said runs!

  6. The ironic thing is, that had you had the means to see into the future, and you knew it was only 36 seconds, you could have easily found ways to shave that tiny amount of time off....... a few tighter corners, a little less time at the aid station...etc.

    In the end though, who would be upset with 16th overall and a 3 hour marathon? It prooves you did train well. CONGRATS!!!

  7. I figured (and hoped!) you were joking, but just thought I'd take the opportunity to tell you how impressed I was anyway :-) Hope you're feeling OK today! How's the walking going?!

  8. Thanks Sparkplug. I'm feeling so-so. A little bit of "what next" and a lot bit sore. Pathfinder - I agree that my training was spot on. Sadly, that means if I want to run faster I'm going to have to train harder! That hurts just thinking about it.
