Monday - unplanned rest day. My legs were tired.
Tuesday - 8.3 miles at Twin Brook. Mostly easy, last 2 miles at fast tempo pace
Wednesday - 7.2 miles at Back Cove including Back Cove 5K at a fast tempo pace
Thursday - AM: 2.5 X 1 mile repeats on Treadmill @ 11.5% grade; PM: 6.3 mile hilly road
hilly road. Easy pace.
Friday - 5.7 mile hilly road instead of planned rest day (see Monday). Easy pace.
Saturday - 12.7 miles at Pineland, middle 6 at a little less than 25K race pace
Sunday - 8.1 miles, Piscataqua trail, more-or-less. Easy pace.
Total: 52 miles.
Saturday's pace was tough given that it was the end of a hard week at the end of a hard month (42, 48, 49, 52) miles. Today's run felt great. Time to drop the volume but maintain intensity!
Nice! Rick always likes an analogy for this part of the training..."the hays in the barn; now you just have to stack it."